William Windom credited as playing...
Burt Gordon
- Burt Gordon: I don't think I have to remind you that this could be... quite the little feather in your cap. Wrap it up and everybody's happy. Lieutenant?
- Lt. Columbo: Um, yeah, I'm sorry. I was, uh, I was just thinking about something.
- Burt Gordon: What was that?
- Lt. Columbo: No, it's nothing important. It's, uh, Dr. Flemming, he didn't call to his wife when he came back to his apartment.
- Burt Gordon: I don't follow you.
- Lt. Columbo: Oh, well, I was in the bedroom. I was checking some things, and I heard him open the front door, and he didn't say anything, and... gee, it's funny how people are different, isn't it? Now you take myself, when I come home from a trip, uh, the first thing I do is I say, "Honey, you here?"
- Burt Gordon: Exactly what is your point, Lieutenant?
- Lt. Columbo: Point? Oh, I wasn't making a point.
- Burt Gordon: It sounded to me as if you were. You heard the man admit that he had an argument with his wife. He probably still had a chip on his shoulder this morning.
- Lt. Columbo: I was only tryin' to...
- Burt Gordon: Lieutenant, I have already told you that Dr. Flemming is a close, personal friend of mine. Now I hope he's not going to be annoyed by a lot of tactless remarks, especially at a time like this.
- Lt. Columbo: Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Gordon. I guess I shouldn't have mentioned it.
- Burt Gordon: I think a toast is in order. To our host and hostess on the tenth anniversary of their horrible mistake.
- [Carol Flemming makes a sound of protest]
- Dr. Ray Flemming: You'd better rephrase that, counselor.
- Burt Gordon: Pleasure, Your Honor. To the two finest people I ever knew. Here's to ten more years of happiness!
- Burt Gordon: Any, uh, any progress so far?
- Lt. Columbo: Well, it's, uh, still a little early, but, uh, you know, sooner or later, something usually breaks.
- Burt Gordon: Mmm-hmm. Well, let's make that "sooner," right, Lieutenant?
- Lt. Columbo: Try my best.
- Burt Gordon: Yeah, I'm sure you will.
- Lt. Columbo: Lieutenant Columbo.
- Burt Gordon: My name's Gordon. I'm with the District Attorney's Office.
- Lt. Columbo: Yes sir, I know.
- Burt Gordon: I appreciate it. Anything you can do for Dr. Flemming, he's a good friend of mine.
- Lt. Columbo: I'll try.