At one point, Golda (Phyllis Diller) tells Henry (Bob Hope), "Boy, did you get a wrong number!" In 1966 Diller and Hope appeared in Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number! (1966).
The knight on horseback that appears during the climactic chase was a reference to a then-popular series of commercials for Ajax Laundry Detergent. And Jasper's line, "Please, Mother, I'd rather do it myself!" refers to a series of ads for Anacin pain reliever.
Hope's girlfriend in the film (Shirley Eaton) was 33 years (7 months and 14 days) younger than him (Hope was born May 29, 1903, Eaton January 12, 1937).
Before making this film, Shirley Eaton was already in the U.S. making a TV movie called The Scorpio Letters (1967). She was eating lunch at MGM Studios when Bob Hope walked in. He remembered her from when they worked together when she was 17 in the Royal Variety Performance. They chatted awhile and then he offered her the lead in this film. So after wrapping The Scorpio Letters, she stayed in the States to make it.