Joan Baez credited as playing...
- Fan: You getting writer's cramps, Joan?
- Joan Baez: [signing autographs] No, I'm getting a bloated ego.
- Joan Baez: [singing while signing autographs] If there's anything I can say, If there's anything I can do, Just call on me and I'll send it along, With love, from me to you.
- Joan Baez: I like kids, you know. I mean, it's just - idolatry's a little weird. That's all. Because, it doesn't mean anything. If it's - I don't think it hurts anybody. I mean, I don't think it hurts those kids the way they - with what they're doing. And, the fact that they ask things like "We Shall Overcome" and they know what its about, most of 'em. The ones who ask, know what it's about. I think that's wonderful, you know. And I don't mind if they act like a bunch of monkeys like that. You know, they're sweet! When grownups do it - it's a little silly.
- Joan Baez: This bunch of people here at Newport, all these kids who look like that, you know, there's got to be an alternative to whatever ways of like are offered to them. You know, I mean, Democrat, Republican. You know, and I would like to offer some kind of alternative. Somehow, you know. Or, help. All the words, all the important things, like truth, truth and love, are just buried in this society. You know, they're buried and laughed at and giggled at and - if people don't give back to them, somehow, then I don't - well, then there's no sense in living, I don't think.
- Joan Baez: [singing] I put him in a tiny boat, And cast him out to sea, That he might sink or he might swim, But he'd never come back to me...
- Joan Baez: These kids are free and the boys have long hair and girls have long hair and there's a freedom, you know, like - I'd like it if a lot of them took a bath more often. But, I prefer - I love the way they look!
- Joan Baez: [singing] The machine guns are roaring, the puppets heave rocks, The fiends nail time bombs to the hands of the clocks, Call me any name you like, I will never deny it, But farewell, Angelina, the sky is erupting, I must go where it's quiet.
- Pete Seeger: [singing] I'm gonna lay down my sword and shield, Down by the riverside
- Pete Seeger, Peter, Paul, Mary, Joan Baez, Odetta: Down by the riverside, Down by the riverside, I'm gonna lay down my sword and shield, Down by the riverside, I'm gonna study, war no more...