The car the Draytons are driving is a two-door sedan (with a pillar holding the roof up, and a full frame around the door glass) when seen in exterior shots. Once they're at the drive-in, it becomes a two-door hardtop (no pillar, and no frame around the glass).
While the Draytons are at the drive-in, Christina's large ring switches hands at least twice.
The car that Tracy backs into already has a dent in the front door panel. During the accident the relative position of the two cars and the number of dents in the side panels change with each change in shot.
When Matt and Christina are at Mel's Drive-in, the rear view projection of the street shows it running perpendicular to the parking lot. During the actual shots of the property, the street runs parallel to it.
One steak short for dinner (Monsignor Ryan). When Joey finds out Monsignor Ryan is coming to dinner she goes to the kitchen and sees Tillie making a pie and states, "I hope you made an extra pie because Monsignor Ryan is coming to dinner too." At no time did Joey tell Tillie to order another steak for Monsignor Ryan like she did when she found out John's parents were coming to dinner and had Tillie order steaks for them.
During all the scenes on the patio, neither the clouds nor the water ever move, revealing the "lovely view" is merely a painted background.
During the Patio scenes, there are no ambient sounds such as traffic noise.
(at around 4 mins) When Joey and John arrive at the art gallery and step out of the cab, in the background almost every pedestrian on the opposite side of the street can be seen standing and gawking at the filming of the scene.
Just before Drayton crashes his car into Frankie's, the dent on the side of Frankie's car is already present.
When Mrs. Drayton and Mrs. Prentice go out to the terrace and begin to talk, their voices reverberate somewhat, indicating the scene was shot inside a studio rather than outdoors.
When Edie is reciting Dr. Prentice's background over the phone, she says he went to "John Hopkins" medical school. The university is called Johns Hopkins.