. . . police, Senators, judges, Congress Representatives, FBI agents, Secret Service, inspectors, Jar-Heads, Presidents, Grunts, lawyers, prosecutors, Governors, district attorneys, C. S. I.'s, medical examiners, attorneys general, bailiffs, coroners, Cabinet Secretaries and border agents are all far more likely to be law-breakers, sects criminals and serial slayers than Joe Average Citizen. After all, they've all perjured themselves by swearing an oath to a moldy piece of 250-year-old parchment that nobody in their right mind could read aloud with a straight face, or use as a tool in corrupting children. France, at least, recognizes this fact by selecting cops at random for life sentences of hard labor safely sequestered from the Public as they're forced to break up big rocks into pebbles with 50-pound sledge hammers.