- 2,500 Movies Challenge [Dave Becker]
- AllMovie [Craig Butler]
- Alternate Ending [Tim Brayton]
- American Profile [Neil Pond]
- BC Gavel [Samantha Costanza]
- Blu-ray.com [Jeffrey Kauffman]
- Cinema Lowdown [Chaz Lipp]
- Cult Following [Ewan Gleadow]
- Daily Express [Simon Edge]
- Digitally Obsessed! [Debi Lee Mandel]
- DoBlu.com (Blu-ray) [Christopher Zabel]
- DVD Savant - Blu-ray [Glenn Erickson]
- eFilmCritic.com [Collin Souter]
- eltornillodeklaus.com [Daniel L.-Serrano Canichu, el espía del bar]
- Spanish
- Empire Online [Andy Gill]
- EOFFTV [Kevin Lyons]
- Film Obsessive [Chris Flackett]
- Front Row Features [Angela Dawson]
- Geeks of Doom [Stoogeypedia]
- Goldmine Magazine [Jay Jay French]
- High-Def Digest [M. Enois Duarte]
- J.B. Spins [Joe Bendel]
- Let's Play Something Else [Ian Clarke]
- Letterboxd [Various Critics]
- Magiadoreal [Cid Vasconcelos]
- Portuguese
- Mental Floss [Eddie Deezen]
- MetaCritic [Various Critics]
- Metacultura [Emiliano Fernández]
- Spanish
- Michael Doherty's Music Log [Michael Doherty]
- Movie Gazette Online [Rebecca Wright]
- MoviePass Islington
- Not Coming to a Theater Near You [Megan Weireter]
- Pop Matters [Sean Murphy]
- Popdose [Ken Shane]
- Robscene [Rob Johnson]
- Rotten Tomatoes [Various Critics]
- Solzy at the Movies [Danielle Solzman]
- Something Else! [Kit O'Toole]
- Strange Currencies Music [Tim Ryan Nelson]
- Surrender to the Void [Steven Flores]
- The Boston Phoenix [M. Howell]
- The Conversation [Vivian Lam]
- The Guardian [John Harris]
- The Guardian [Keith Dewhurst]
- The Second Disc [Joe Marchese]
- The Solute Record Club [Matthew Crowe]
- The Spinning Image [Graeme Clark]
- The Worldwide Celluloid Massacre
- Theater Thoughts [John Carpenter]
- Ultimate Classic Rock [Michael Gallucci]
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