Efrem Zimbalist Jr. credited as playing...
Sam Hendrix
- Susy Hendrix: You know there was a murder around here last night? They found the body this morning. A lady from Scarsdale. I heard it on the radio.
- Sam Hendrix: So?
- Susy Hendrix: What if I get chopped in little pieces and dumped in the river? Little tiny pieces that nobody could possibly recognize as having been a poor defenseless, little blind lady whose husband was off in Asbury Park. You're not listening, Sammy.
- Sam Hendrix: Sure I am. Why don't we get some light around here? They're always finding bodies in New York.
- Susy Hendrix: Not in the parking lot practically next door, they don't.
- Sam Hendrix: You're making it up, Susy.
- Susy Hendrix: No, I'm not. I promise. I told you I heard it on the radio. Really, I did.
- Sam Hendrix: Come on Susy.
- Susy Hendrix: [pause] The police don't have the first notion who do it. Pretty spooky, don't you think, Sammy?
- Sam Hendrix: Tell you what I think. I think it's a ploy to make me stay home.
- Susy Hendrix: Well, there was a murdered woman found from Scarsdale and that's a true fact.
- Sam Hendrix: And you're afraid for your life, that's a true fact?
- Susy Hendrix: No, but it was worth a try.
- Susy Hendrix: Do I have to be the world champion blind lady?
- Sam Hendrix: Yes!
- Susy Hendrix: [turns around] Then I will be. I'll be everything you want me to be.
- Sam Hendrix: I don't want you to be anything other than Susy.
- Sam Hendrix: [Susy calls his studio] Hendrix here.
- Susy Hendrix: [mocking his tone] Hendrix here too.