Mireille Darc credited as playing...
Corinne Durand
- Corinne: Paul stripped off too, and flaunted his penis for me. He told Monique to take off my panties. He made me kneel and put my head between Monique's legs. Now my back was turned to Paul. I remember she was describing my buttocks and he gazed at them all the time then came closer and fingered them. The rest of the bottle was poured over my back. I felt the liquid run between my buttock. Paul knelt down and began to lick my ass. It wasn't unpleasant. It was quite wonderful. I felt Monique's bush against my neck, her hair mingling with my hair. While her husband caressed my buttocks, she put my hands on her buttocks and she fondled my breasts again. I felt her buttocks open to receive my fingers, then close upon them.
- Roland: And you?
- Corinne: They wanted me to talk about it, so that my sensations excited them.
- Joseph Balsamo: Tell me your name, Madame.
- Corinne: Me? I'm Corinne Durand.
- Joseph Balsamo: Durand's your husband's name. What is yours?
- Corinne: My maiden name? Corinne Dupont.
- Joseph Balsamo: Dupont is your father's name. What's yours?
- Corinne: I don't know.
- Joseph Balsamo: You see, you don't even know who you are.
- Corinne's Lover: Is Roland getting suspicious? He gives me funny looks at times.
- Corinne: No, I let him screw me sometimes, so he thinks I love him.
- Corinne: It wasn't like a women's magazine romance. I don't know... his eyes were so hard... his mouth, his words. He started in the Mercedes. I told him I went for him. I wanted more than a quick screw. We ought to meet again somewhere. Cuddling in cars is dreary. I said to take me home and I'd call him in the afternoon. I wanted to screw, but I'd rather wait.
- Roland: What did he say?
- Corinne: He talked about my body, and how I turned him on and how it was vulgar and unkind.
- Roland: Did you think of me, too?
- Corinne: Of course I did.
- Corinne: I went with Monique to her room. Not bad. There was a fire. I took off my raincoat. Monique looked at me. She asked why I seemed to be shivering, if I was cold I could undress. No need to feel embarrassed. Then she helped me.
- Roland: To do what?
- Corinne: Take off my skirt and pullover.
- Roland: I see.
- Corinne: I was in my bra and panties. I went to the fire. My back was to her, but I knew she was watching me. I asked why and she said nothing. She didn't reply, so I turned around. She was by the window, her back to me. She sensed my gaze. She took off her dressing gown. She was naked. She asked if I thought her bottom was too big. I said no. She turned around, parted her legs and asked me to describe them. I said she had white thighs and her bush was a black smudge above them. She called Paul. She came up behind me.
- Roland: Why?
- Corinne: To unhook my bra. Then Paul came in. Wearing pajamas, the coat open. He had a bottle of whiskey. He made me drink. Then he told Monique to go on.
- Roland: What was she doing?
- Corinne: Fondling my breasts.
- Corinne: After a while, Paul asked Monique to change places with me. She kissed my bush while I helped Paul screw her from behind.
- Roland: And that was all?
- Corinne: Then we watched each other masturbate. Then Paul cried: "To the kitchen, pussies!"
- Roland: What for?
- Corinne: I'm telling you. On the fridge there was a dish of milk for the cat. Monique said: "What will you bet me to sit in the dish?" "I bet you wouldn't dare, " said Paul. She climbed on the sink, level with the fridge, and sat in the dish. Never taking her eyes off us, she ordered us to masturbate.
- Roland: Is that all?
- Corinne: Paul told me to stop just as I was coming and to climb up on the sink, too, and kneel in front of Monique. Then he took an egg from the fridge. I licked Monique's pussy, in the milk and he put an egg between my buttocks. When I came the egg broke and ran down my legs.
- Roland: Is this true or a nightmare?
- Corinne: I don't know.
- Roland: I adore you, Corinne.
- Joseph Balsamo: Anything you wish, if you'll take me to London.
- Roland: A big Mercedes sports car?
- Joseph Balsamo: Yes.
- Corinne: An Yves St Laurent evening dress?
- Joseph Balsamo: Yes.
- Roland: A Miami Beach hotel.
- Corinne: Make me a blonde, a natural blonde.
- Roland: A squadron of Mirage IVs, like the yids used to trash the wogs.
- Corinne: A weekend with James Bond.
- Joseph Balsamo: Is that all you want? You creeps, I'll give you nothing.