No pun intended - Enzo G ... anyone who cares about Western movies is aware of this name. Really into them that is - because yes anyone knows Sergio Leone (or John Ford and many other people who made their name in the Western business) ... but Enzo? Almost like a litmus test to see if you really are a fan - only slightly kidding here by the way.
The movie is quite fast paced - although it also has a few passages, where you may question why the movie ... well moves slowly. And depending on your moral code ... you may take issue/offense with how the characters are portrayed. Especially our main character ... but it is a movie. So lack of emotion (morally speaking) is probably a good thing ... if you want to survive and not be counted to the all of the title ... a lot of action, a lot of hand to hand combat/fighting too. A bit aged, but surely top noth at the time it was made - and nothing that should deter you or take any of the fun you can have away. Just be sure you know what this is ... and hopefully you're also a fan of Western ... I did mention this already, right?