Stella Stevens credited as playing...
Stacey Woodward
- Sol Madrid: Okay, get up and get dressed.
- Stacey Woodward: What for?
- Sol Madrid: We're going to Mexico.
- Stacey Woodward: It's the middle of the night!
- Sol Madrid: What's the matter? Aren't these your regular working hours?
- Stacey Woodward: I wouldn't believe you if you got down on your knees! I don't even believe your name: "Sol Madrid". Sounds like a can of sardines!
- Stacey Woodward: [They're staying in a nice hotel room in Acapulco] Well, I'll say one thing for you: the government sure treats you right. If the suckers ever guessed where their taxes were going, they'd start a revolution.
- Sol Madrid: You have to be kidding. You don't think I could afford this place on the allowance they're giving me?
- Stacey Woodward: What does that mean?
- Sol Madrid: It means *you're* paying.
- Stacey Woodward: Now *you've* got to be kidding!
- Sol Madrid: We might as well live it up a little while we're young.
- Stacey Woodward: Well, if I'm paying, you know what that makes you!
- Stacey Woodward: What the hell do you mean by playing with my money?
- Sol Madrid: What do you mean *your* money? You mean to tell me that was severance pay you got from Dano Villanova? Anyway, you'll get it back later.
- Stacey Woodward: You're changing the damn rules as you go along!
- Sol Madrid: You have a hell of a nerve to talk about rules. Since when did you live by rules?
- Stacey Woodward: [Indignantly] Don't preach at me.
- Sol Madrid: Why? Who are you? You're a two-bit tramp named Evelyn Pulaski, that lives on money that a hood named Dano Villanova jacks out of pushers, junkies and hopheads. Are you gonna' tell me that you didn't know that he hooked 50,000 people on junk just to pay your hotel bills?
- Stacey Woodward: I never asked where he got his money! You think any woman asks her man, "Honey, did you make your money honorably and decently, because otherwise I'm not gonna' live off of it?"
- Sol Madrid: An honest woman wouldn't even have to ask!
- Sol Madrid: [Last lines] Listen... I came to tell you I'm sorry that things worked out the way they did. I never meant for you to become that involved.
- Stacey Woodward: You got what you wanted. And that's all that really counts, isn't it?
- Sol Madrid: Yeah. I guess so.
- [Turns and walks away]
- Stacey Woodward: What are you? Some kind of gold-plated hero? You're using me just as much as Villanova ever did. I never knew a man yet who didn't use me or *want* to. And I'm through with it. I've had it! I ran away from Dano because I was sick of it. And now, you're not going to pick up where he left off. You don't care what happens to me, do you?
- Sol Madrid: As long as I need you, I care.
- Stacey Woodward: And right now you need me.
- Sol Madrid: Right now I need you.
- Stacey Woodward: Would you please tell me what's going on?
- Sol Madrid: Why don't you just relax and watch the scenery.
- Stacey Woodward: Can't you ever be nice?
- Sol Madrid: No.
- Stacey Woodward: [whispers] Why not?
- Sol Madrid: Why don't you get some sleep.
- Stacey Woodward: You didn't answer me.
- Sol Madrid: Well, how can I answer you? I don't want to use you any more than I have to.
- Stacey Woodward: There, you see. That's the first nice thing you've ever said to me.
- [shirtless Sol, leans down to Stacey who is laying in bed and gives her a kiss]
- Stacey Woodward: I'm leaving!
- Sol Madrid: Listen, you stick that silly face of your's outside this hotel and we are both in trouble.
- Stacey Woodward: Fine! You're the cop. You worry about it.