Sylvia Anderson credited as playing...
Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward
- [Tin-Tin is about to land the Tiger Moth, hiding herself under the cockpit]
- Parker: [in awe] Cor! Stone the crows! It's going to land on its own!
- Lady Penelope: Parker.
- Lady Penelope: M'lady?
- Lady Penelope: Tin-Tin's an excellent pilot. Don't you think, Parker?
- [Tin-Tin lands the plane and waves towards the mansion]
- Alan Tracy: [answering his watch] Yes, Penelope?
- Lady Penelope: I've just had some information from Parker, Alan. I am a little uneasy. Tell me, what do you think of Captain Foster?
- Alan Tracy: I don't go for him, Penelope. He's a little too smooth for my liking.
- Lady Penelope: Tell me, Alan, has he been questioning you about International Rescue?
- Alan Tracy: Well, as a matter of fact, he *has*. Not directly, mind you, but the conversation always seems to lead that way.
- Lady Penelope: I think we'll have to go into this situation a little more closely. I don't like the sound of it.
- [thunderstorm is picking up outside]
- Lady Penelope: The storm seems to be getting worse.
- Alan Tracy: I think you'd better come in here. We need to discuss this right away.
- [the ship rocks and a lamp falls off a side table, revealling a bug device]
- Lady Penelope: [realising she is being listened to] Oh well, um, perhaps we *are* allowing our imaginations to run away with us. After all, everyone's interested in International Rescue. It's only natural they should ask questions.
- Alan Tracy: [suspicious of Lady Penelope's change in attitude] Oh. So you don't think there's anything to worry about, Penelope?
- Lady Penelope: No. After all, they have all been screened. They're carefully selected men.
- Captain Foster (II): [listening to Lady Penelope's conversation] That was a close one. Put on the edited tape.
- Steward Hogarth (II): Right.
- Captain Foster (II): One thing's for sure - we've got to play this really cool from now on. Lady Penelope, I underestimated you.