2 reviews
I dont remember the drama, but being an absolute keen Helicopter fan, watching Spencers Pilots showing stunts the Hughes 500C on TV was a treat for me when i was 12. I never saw anything like it again... Im glad theres still people who remember after 24yrs...
Spencer's Pilots was a great CBS air adventure series that paved the way for the popular 80's CBS series Airwolf. I watched the show in 1976 and was impressed by the phototage of the air stunt and the acting -- one stunt in the 'Drone' episode was a near disaster. Ken Rand piloting a home built aircraft was flying as the Drone and tried to make an emergency landing crashing into trees --luckily he survived. You can see a promo photo of the series on the National Helicopter site. They did the chopper stunts for the show. Christopher Stone was my favorite pilot in the show and in the drone episode (SPOILER)** he used his WWII experience of tiping the wings of German V-1 rocket planes over England to tip the wing of the drone and save the day. You can buy the German release of the show now (2013)on e-bay - not cheap and is region 2 but I bought a region 2 player for 30.00 usd. Great show!!!!!!