Kevin McCarthy credited as playing...
Maj. John Burke
- Maj. John M. Burke: Don't worry about how you feel about where you ought to be... just come on over here where you should be.
- Maj. John M. Burke: Gentlemen! In this moment, fraught with friendship, with history humming harmonic overtones, Bill, I have the distinct pleasure of presenting Chief Sitting Bull. Chief, it gives me pleasure to present to you the Honorable William F. Cody, Buffalo Bill!
- William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Well, I would just like to take this occasion to congratulate you on your safe journey, and to extend a titanically momentous welcome to Buffalo Bill's Wild West.
- McLaughlin: I'm ready to dispose of my prisoner.
- Maj. John M. Burke: Sweet McLaughlin, you are now in Codyland. Sitting Bull is no longer your prisoner, but a star in the Buffalo Bill heavens.
- McLaughlin: As far as I'm concerned, he's a murderer.
- Nate Salisbury: That's my star.
- Maj. John M. Burke: He belongs to all of us, Nate.
- Nate Salisbury: Our star.
- Maj. John M. Burke: America's.
- Maj. John M. Burke: Buffalo Bill, monarch of the West, it delights me to present this compellingly cornucopias canary, this curvaceous cadenza in the compendium of classical chanson, this collation of champagne and columbine, this cultivated coloratura from Colorado - words fail me - Lucille DuCharme.
- William F. 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: Of course. Handel's "Rinaldo".
- Lucille DuCharme: [sings] Ah-*Ah*-Ahhh, Ah-Ah-Ah-*Ah*-Ah, Ah-*Ah*-*Ah*, Ah-Ah, Che crudel!
- Maj. John M. Burke: What a cultivated lady she is.
- Mrs. Cleveland: I'm always trying to spread culture.