Orso Maria Guerrini credited as playing...
Butch Shannon
- [Keoma has been tied to a wheel in a Christ-like manner, and his brothers have just killed Caldwell after he killed William Shannon]
- Sam Shannon: Here lies... William H. Shannon. A man we all loved and admired. A very special sort of man. There wasn't a person on Earth he'd refuse to help if they needed it... not one person who would have betrayed him! Except the one he gave his love to...
- [points to Keoma]
- Sam Shannon: ...his bastard son! We learned from our father to respect law and justice... but you didn't. Only filth would sell out his own father! But that alone is not the extent of his guilt. He betrayed us all when he brought back that plague-ridden woman to infect us. How far can a man sink? He betrayed his father... he betrayed us... and he betrayed each and every one of you, my friends. Keoma's responsible for the deaths of your loved ones! HE has brought despair to this town! So now... what should we do with him? Take the law into our own hands? Drag him to the nearest tree and string him up like he deserves? No. For we are honorable men... and prefer to let justice take its course...
- [gestures to Caldwell's corpse]
- Sam Shannon: ...as it should have done with this venomous snake... in a court of law.
- Butch Shannon: We already called the marshal. He'll be here in a few hours. And then, Keoma will be... his problem.
- Sam Shannon: And as soon as my brother here is sworn in as sheriff, we'll start rebuilding around here! Make this town a place we can be proud of!
- Sam Shannon: [townsfolk applaud] Great speech, Sam.