Franco Nero credited as playing...
Keoma Shannon
- [last lines]
- Keoma: He can't die. And you know why? Because he's free. And man who's free never dies.
- Keoma: I need to find out who I am. To give the simplest of my actions a reason. I know by being in this world has some significance, but I'm afraid that when I found out what it is, it will be too late. In the meantime, I'm a vagabond. I keep traveling. Even when the earth sleeps, I keep traveling... chasing shadows.
- Keoma: Pa. What was it all about.
- William Shannon: What?
- Keoma: The war. I never could figure it out.
- William Shannon: The war. Im not sure I know. I figure after we got through slaughtering all those Indians, we thought we ought to do somethin'... generous. So we gave freedom to the black man. Now we feel good, we can go back to... finish off the Indians.
- [commandeering the townspeople's medicine]
- Confederate Soldier: This land belongs to Mr. Caldwell, along with everything that's on it. Now, you had to pay for the water... and now you gotta pay for the medicines.
- [laughs]
- Keoma: Hey! I'll pay this time.
- Confederate Soldier: How much you willing to pay?
- Keoma: Four cents.
- Confederate Soldier: Four cents? Four cents is mighty little.
- Keoma: The price of four bullets.
- [Keoma counts off the members of Caldwell's gang on his fingers]
- Keoma: One, two, three, and four.
- [Keoma shoots the other three gang members, then walks up to the Confederate Soldier and hands him a bullet]
- Keoma: Take it. It has your name on it.