1 review
Downbeat but intense film about three friends who amuse themselves during a rave-up day with unexpected and fateful consequences . This classic version (1977) is formed by a big name cast and prestigious Spanish secondaries , such as : José Sacristán , Antonio Ferrandis , José Luis Gómez , Fernando Fernán Gómez , Charo López , Queta Claver , Isabel Mestres and Marilina Ross . It deals with three vagabond men go on a binge of drink , brawls , whores , murders and walking towards their own perdition for the disaster caused in a day of partying , as if they wished to leave everything behind , being set in Galicia of the Francoist period . ¨Parranda¨ (1977) by Gonzalo Suarez whose screenwriter was the same novelist , Eduardo Blanco Amor , while retaining script credit in the finished film , was disappointed with the changes made to his story and claimed that he one day would like to see the book made into a Galician language film starring Galician actors . That ultimately occurred with Ignacio Vilar's A Esmorga (2014) , though 35 years after Blanco Amor's death in 1979 . It stars three befuddled mates called ¨Cibran¨ (performed by José Sacristán , in subsequent rendition by Miguel De Lira) , "El Bocas" (José Luis Gómez in second version was played by Karra Elejalde) and the "Milhomes" (Antonio Ferrandis , posteriorly acted by Antonio Durán Morris). After the euphoria of the three protagonists in their day of binge and saturated alcohol , the hardships and calamities are slowly emerging within themselves . What began as a lark is become into an real frustration with alcoholic delirium , crazy sex , rape , killings and extreme violence .
This is a thrilling and dramatic 24-hour account of three men's lives , three fun-loving , mates that walk get drunk and go through live in abyss as well as chaos , adding repressed and misleading sex , while closing doors and throwing the keys away . This project ended up falling apart and Blanco Amor's screenplay was sold to Gonzalo Suárez who shot in Asturias with a great cast , but he partially rewrote it and directed it as this Spanish-language movie . The tense story here told doesn't results to be the ordinary about the frustrations and distresses on Spanish post Spanish Civil War (1936-39) , but it goes further and giving a thought-provoking character studio in which a ¨binge¨ leading to these chaotic three protagonist characters into the destruction and depression . As "Cebrian" for his poorness as well as failed union to ex-prostitute Raxada , ¨El Bocas¨ for his sexual frustration , and "Mil hombres" who hides an irrepressible homosexuality and desire for his friend and at the end takes place surprising bursts of violence . Furthermore , brief appearances of some great supporting actors , such as : Fernando Fernán Gómez as Escribiente , Charo López , Isabel Mestres , Queta Claver , Marilina Ross , Luis Cigues , Fernando Sánchez Polack , Marisa Pocel , Maria Vico , and Fernando Hilbeck as the strange role Sr. Andrada . The environments are fully achieved by the prestigious cameraman Carlos Suarez , director's brother and his usual photographer , with attractive scenes when the three protagonists stay in the whore-house , or as they are walking through the forests , or when wine is dropping from the barrels . Atmospheric and evocative musical score composed by Juán José Garcia Gaffi .
The acceptable remake to ¨Parranda¨ by Gonzalo Suarez was ¨A Smorga¨ (2014) this project that ended up becoming this film originated from producer Eloy Lozano , who wanted to film Eduardo Blanco Amor's Galician-language book "A Esmorga" in its original language and with a screenplay by Blanco Amor himself . This 1977 classy version was professional though slowly directed by Gonzalo Suarez , including better and more known cast that the second retelling . This film is essential and fundamentally recommended to the Spanish cinema aficionados . It had a remake titled A Esmorga (2014) by Ignacio Vilar that failed at the Spanish box office and was made in shoestring budget , but all actors are excellent , especially Miguel de Lira and Karra Elejalde .
Direction by Gonzalo Suarez is acceptable ; however , he shows his skill for edition , realizing long shots with characters who Gonzalo moves easily and including some action scenes . Gonzalo Suarez was born in Asturias , he is a good craftsman who has directed several films from the 60s . He excelled at bringing to life tautly written tales about strange characters facing difficult circumstances and dealing with thought-provoking , brooding stories . Throughout his career he regularly alternated hits with misses . He has stylistic trademarks , but also been criticized for his slow-moving films , though his best flicks remain exciting to watch . Among his most important pictures , mostly dramas , are the following : Oviedo Express , 1994 The detective and death , 1992 La Reina Anónima , 1991 Don Juan en Infiernos ,1988 Rowing with the wind , 1984 Epílogo ,1977 Parranda , 1977 Reina Zanahoria , 1976 Beatriz , 1975 La Regenta , 1974 La Loba y la Paloma .
This is a thrilling and dramatic 24-hour account of three men's lives , three fun-loving , mates that walk get drunk and go through live in abyss as well as chaos , adding repressed and misleading sex , while closing doors and throwing the keys away . This project ended up falling apart and Blanco Amor's screenplay was sold to Gonzalo Suárez who shot in Asturias with a great cast , but he partially rewrote it and directed it as this Spanish-language movie . The tense story here told doesn't results to be the ordinary about the frustrations and distresses on Spanish post Spanish Civil War (1936-39) , but it goes further and giving a thought-provoking character studio in which a ¨binge¨ leading to these chaotic three protagonist characters into the destruction and depression . As "Cebrian" for his poorness as well as failed union to ex-prostitute Raxada , ¨El Bocas¨ for his sexual frustration , and "Mil hombres" who hides an irrepressible homosexuality and desire for his friend and at the end takes place surprising bursts of violence . Furthermore , brief appearances of some great supporting actors , such as : Fernando Fernán Gómez as Escribiente , Charo López , Isabel Mestres , Queta Claver , Marilina Ross , Luis Cigues , Fernando Sánchez Polack , Marisa Pocel , Maria Vico , and Fernando Hilbeck as the strange role Sr. Andrada . The environments are fully achieved by the prestigious cameraman Carlos Suarez , director's brother and his usual photographer , with attractive scenes when the three protagonists stay in the whore-house , or as they are walking through the forests , or when wine is dropping from the barrels . Atmospheric and evocative musical score composed by Juán José Garcia Gaffi .
The acceptable remake to ¨Parranda¨ by Gonzalo Suarez was ¨A Smorga¨ (2014) this project that ended up becoming this film originated from producer Eloy Lozano , who wanted to film Eduardo Blanco Amor's Galician-language book "A Esmorga" in its original language and with a screenplay by Blanco Amor himself . This 1977 classy version was professional though slowly directed by Gonzalo Suarez , including better and more known cast that the second retelling . This film is essential and fundamentally recommended to the Spanish cinema aficionados . It had a remake titled A Esmorga (2014) by Ignacio Vilar that failed at the Spanish box office and was made in shoestring budget , but all actors are excellent , especially Miguel de Lira and Karra Elejalde .
Direction by Gonzalo Suarez is acceptable ; however , he shows his skill for edition , realizing long shots with characters who Gonzalo moves easily and including some action scenes . Gonzalo Suarez was born in Asturias , he is a good craftsman who has directed several films from the 60s . He excelled at bringing to life tautly written tales about strange characters facing difficult circumstances and dealing with thought-provoking , brooding stories . Throughout his career he regularly alternated hits with misses . He has stylistic trademarks , but also been criticized for his slow-moving films , though his best flicks remain exciting to watch . Among his most important pictures , mostly dramas , are the following : Oviedo Express , 1994 The detective and death , 1992 La Reina Anónima , 1991 Don Juan en Infiernos ,1988 Rowing with the wind , 1984 Epílogo ,1977 Parranda , 1977 Reina Zanahoria , 1976 Beatriz , 1975 La Regenta , 1974 La Loba y la Paloma .