Masterpiece of political cinema, considered as a cruel and ruthless 'je accuse' against the political class to the government in the 70s. The same Leonardo Sciascia, author of the novel that inspired Petri's movie, declared that this director realized as a movie that complaint with the DC carried out by the same Pasolini in the last years of his life. An interpretation, suggested by the same Petri in his interviews, is to see 'Todo-modo' as the representation of the nightmare of a Democrat politician (a representative of the highest governing party) in the 70s. The nightmare seen as a harbinger of imminent end of the Christian Democrats, not so much prefigured in the murder of Moro occurred two years after the release of this film, but rather in the collapse of the party took place with the occurrence of the scandal Tangentopoli of the early 90s. Petri, then, a visionary man? No, Petri was only an intellectual, a great film author who lived dramas of his time and Italy of his time, and by the lucid analysis of his works he tried to predict the fate; he tried to tell us in which direction Italy would go. Not to be missed.