The movie The Last Supper provides audiences an excellent opportunity to truly understand the hardships slaves had to endure. Books can state facts and offer descriptions, however, this movie provides the opportunity to see deeper than what history books and stories can tell. The most profound example of this is when Sebastian is caught after attempting to run away. As his punishment, his ear is cut off. This demonstrates the violation of basic human rights and the cruel treatment slaves had to endure.
At the end, when the slaves' heads are displayed, it is another brief lesson on the white male dominance and the control of the church over everyone. History lessons may teach that the church was extremely powerful during the conquest, but the movie makes it much more obvious on how far people took this power.
Unfortunately, the storyline is not believable, and for some people it is a distraction because it is an impossible situation. I highly doubt a slave owner would invite his slaves to a feast and humble himself infront of them by kissing their feet. However, a movie would not receive much attention if it presented the basics of slavery in a documentary format. The story provided the entertainment, and a history lesson was tucked inside of it.