Kris Kristofferson credited as playing...
Aaron Arnold
- Aaron Arnold: You done wonders with the place, Ben.
- Ben Arnold: Yeah. There's a hundred-and-forty acres here. Sharkey stocked seventy-five Arabians here at one time.
- Linda Christopher: Arabians?
- Ben Arnold: Horses.
- Linda Christopher: [feels silly] Oh.
- Ben Arnold: Before he was killed in the war.
- Linda Christopher: What war?
- Aaron Arnold: My war.
- Ben Arnold: [arrives at Aaron's house to confront him about the cockfight] Aaron! Aaron!
- Aaron Arnold: [walks outside] What?
- Ben Arnold: What the hell have you been doing?
- Aaron Arnold: What's the matter, Ben?
- Ben Arnold: What happened to that damn cockfight?
- Aaron Arnold: I closed down an illegal gambling operation.
- Ben Arnold: And you let that casino stay open?
- Aaron Arnold: I told you about that. What is this crap?
- Ben Arnold: What about killing Arno and Majors and taking all those people's money, huh?
- Aaron Arnold: Correction: confiscated evidence.
- Ben Arnold: Aaron, I have friends here who are accusing me of being part of whatever the hell is going on!
- Aaron Arnold: That's some friends. Now, YOU listen to me. I didn't volunteer for this and when you good people hired me to come take care of your garbage, nobody was there telling me how to do the job. Nobody wanted to know. Now, you don't like it? You tell them fine civilians, brother, that it's a little late to get involved.
- Ben Arnold: I'm the one that brought you here, and I'm the one that's gonna run you out.
- Little Dee: [shows up with her musical instruments and luggage] Can you give me a lift into town, Ben?
- Aaron Arnold: Where the hell you going?
- Little Dee: My sentence here's up.
- Aaron Arnold: Get your ass back in the house.
- Ben Arnold: [Aaron tries to grab Dee, but Ben grabs her and throws her luggage in the flatbed] Get in the truck.
- Aaron Arnold: We gonna fight over another girl, Ben? You know, it's always been me, against the rest of them, ever since I'd been born, but I thought you was on my side.
- Ben Arnold: I always was.
- [Ben walks towards the truck]
- Aaron Arnold: And you will be, again.
- Little Dee: [to Aaron, as Ben starts to pull away] Happy trails.
- Ben Arnold: [stops Aaron from savagely beating a thug] Hey, that's enough!
- Aaron Arnold: [as Ben walks off] But it's what I'm here for.
- Ben Arnold: [Aaron is top of a gasoline tank shooting wildly at Ben's direction] Aaron, you got to get off that tank!
- Aaron Arnold: The hell you say! I ain't lost the war, yet!
- [Ben is forced to shoot Aaron dead and he falls into the tank, triggering a massive explosion]
- Mayor Bradford: [Ben shows up outside the police station to see Bradford, Aaron, and his deputies] Ben, we're forming a search posse. It seems Harry Lee's still missing.
- [Ben opens down the tailgate to show Harry's dead body underneath a blanket]
- Mayor Bradford: Harry. My god. I want his killer.
- Ben Arnold: Well, there's some things you ought to know.
- Mayor Bradford: No, don't tell me.
- [looks at Aaron]
- Mayor Bradford: Tell him. Aaron, I'm appointing you interim chief of police. I want Lee's killer.
- Ben Arnold: [to Aaron] Then, we ought to start with you.
- Aaron Arnold: What does that mean?
- Ben Arnold: Little Dee said she saw Lee out at your place, late last night.
- Aaron Arnold: That's right. He was a little concerned about the way we busted up the picnic.
- Ben Arnold: So, you had to kill him?
- Aaron Arnold: [chuckles] I get it. Did she tell you that before or after I threw her ass out?
- Mayor Bradford: Now, hold it, Ben. Aaron gets the job done.
- Ben Arnold: Like the job he's doing on us? Come on, Bradford, wake up!
- Mayor Bradford: Now, you forget this family squabbling. We got a town to run, a town under attack.
- [to Aaron]
- Mayor Bradford: Aaron, you're on your own.
- Aaron Arnold: [to Ben] I like this town. Whoever did this, we'll find out. Hope I can count on you for your help.
- Ben Arnold: [on the porch of Ben's house] I hear you been talking about me. Why, Ben? I done what I was brought here for.
- Ben Arnold: You screwed up, Aaron. You always do.
- Aaron Arnold: [sits down on the ledge of the porch] You know why you ain't been killed, don't you?
- Ben Arnold: Yeah. Because we're brothers.
- Aaron Arnold: And that's the only reason. And I got to find a way to do what I'm gonna do in Elk Hills without going through you.
- Ben Arnold: I AM Elk Hills, Aaron, and what you do here depends on what people like me let YOU do.
- Aaron Arnold: You picked a shit town to be in, Hoss, and as for people, they're so full of shit and easy money, they need a squeeze and I'M going to be the squeezer.
- Ben Arnold: Get off my property.
- Aaron Arnold: Stop playing the hero. Shit, Ben, I was going to cut you in, when the time was right.
- Ben Arnold: It's all over for you, Aaron. You always been pushing for the big showdown and now I'm gonna put an end to you.
- Aaron Arnold: And when you do, who the hell are you all going to have to blame, when everything goes wrong?
- Ben Arnold: I'll take the blame. Now, get off my property.
- [Aaron walks off, but turns around]
- Aaron Arnold: I'm real sorry I didn't make it to Linda's funeral. It's getting to be a bad habit of mine.
- Michael J. Loonius: [after Michael drives Linda to the railroad tracks where Aaron is waiting] Aaron, I didn't know what else to do with her.
- Aaron Arnold: Get the hell out of here.
- Linda Christopher: [to Aaron, as Michael drives off] You're really sick.
- Aaron Arnold: I'm gonna kill you.
- Linda Christopher: Why?
- Aaron Arnold: I don't wanna talk about it, I don't want to hear about it. I've seen and heard it all.
- [Linda runs along the tracks and Aaron shoots her dead]