Tue, May 17, 1977
The Cetacean is called upon to recover a space probe that crashes in the sea, and Mark soon learns that the probe is covered with thousands of tiny alien beings. They intend to learn all they can about the human race by invading host bodies and controlling them. Mark must return them to space before they destroy all humanity.
Mon, Jun 20, 1977
Elizabeth is kidnapped, one of dozens of scientists held prisoner on the island of Felicitos, controlled by special mineral springs that render their victims completely happy and compliant. Dr. Smith is using them to build a rocket to take her away from our troubled planet in search of some better world, and Mark must find a way to counter the brain-washing and free the captives.
Thu, Sep 22, 1977
Water levels are rising all over the Earth. Mr. Schubert offers to stop the disaster in exchange for Mark Harris, but it's the villain himself who is melting the world's ice caps with microwaves. Schubert agrees to stop the melt down if Mark will stay on of his own free will as a test subject, though his true plan is to flood the world and repopulate it with a new species of water-breathing men.
Thu, Oct 13, 1977
Ships are being damaged by an unknown agent hidden at a depth impossible for the Navy to reach, where the Cetacean finds an automated robot, the Mud Worm. It is programmed to crawl along the sea bottom collecting mineral samples, but was damaged, and now resists all efforts to approach it with deadly force. Mark manages to shut down the robot and haul it inside the Cetacean, but when it reactivates, it will destroy everything in its path in an effort to escape.
Tue, Nov 8, 1977
While investigating an underwater volcano, Mark is stricken with sudden pain in the shoulder. This is not the first time he's felt pain for no reason, and his instincts lead him to a deserted beach and, inexplicably, to a frontier town of the old west called Land's End. There he meets his identical twin, Billy, another water-breather who washed up on a beach with no knowledge of his true identity. Billy takes Mark's place aboard the Cetacean, leaving the Man from Atlantis to face the villains of Land's End.