Produced by Gerald Thomas, the Carry on legend. This series for ITV tried to ride the wave of success Inman created in Are you being Served with Mr Humphries. Are you being Served in 1977 was in its fifth series and getting massive figures. Odd Man Out was a huge gamble, fairly tame by today's standards the tone and jokes were highly risky, possibly the reason for there being just one series.
Neville Sutcliffe inherits a rock factory, and so the fun begins.
Just the seven episodes, so not a huge deal of rock to get your teeth into, but they are pretty funny, enjoyable enough. A good cast, Inman, Josephine Tewson and Peter Butterworth. Some episodes are funnier then others, the first part I think is my favourite, it is very funny. The one with the Dinner dance and dates is also very funny.
Lots of references to his friend 'Bobby,' a character we never meet, but the gay references are frequent.
You can see the Carry on elements in the humour, it's pure slapstick, you'll definitely laugh a bit, or at least snigger. The opening credits suit the program very well, just what you'd expect, the theme tune is inoffensive but not catchy. The Goodnight scenes at the end of each episode were a nice touch. 7/10