During an outdoor scene on the bank of a stream near Viterbo, in which some actresses (including Ely Galleani and Ulla Johannsen) were completely naked, a crowd of onlookers had gathered causing a traffic jam, so much so that soon after the police had to intervene which led the actresses to the police station, only to be released shortly after.
Jodie Foster's voice is dubbed into Italian by another actress.
Italian censorship visa # 70779 delivered on 10-9-1977.
In the dream sequence in which Gigi Proietti is slapped by Catherine Deneuve, the actress lost her Bulgari ring, the only compensation she received for her role, and the entire crew searched for it in vain for a long time in a meadow.
Many great actors of the period appear in the film. The producer Mauro Berardi explained that it was the recent death of Pier Paolo Pasolini (of whom director Sergio Citti was a great friend) that prompted them to join, accepting among other things a very low cachet.