I collect old Joe Don Baker movies, and this one was hard to find. But it is definitely worth what I paid for it! "Walkaway" (Joe Don) cares about nothing but winning. Susan Sarandon is delightful--I didn't even know she had been an actress back then. And Larry Hagman is always good--even when he's evil! It was great to see Parnelli Jones in a movie.
In all the Joe Don Baker movies I've seen, the thing I really appreciate is that he never uses any profanity, and usually the other actors don't either. That is very refreshing these days!
The best things about this movie are: 1) All the old Bugs 2) the race cars are also Bugs, just cut down 3) other old cars 4) Larry says "motorcicles" which is how I say it many times and 5) Joe Don's attitude. The whole movie is hilarious, yet serious in that all these people are so determined to win. I really loved it when Bo (Larry H) was talking about his NASCAR career, and mentioned Junior Johnson.
There was one person in the race who was driving something that looked like a bus of some kind, with bells hanging from it, and every time this bus appeared, certain music would play. This added sort of a sub-plot to the movie.
There is NOTHING bad about this movie!! You won't be disappointed!
I think I paid about $20 for this movie, and it is WELL WORTH IT! Be sure and see it if you get the chance!