- Luis: I write because I enjoy it. Nothing more. I can't stand people who go on about art, those who think they're creating something important. For me, writing's no better than sweeping the street or laying a brick.
- Elisa: [reading a paper written by Luis] My fatigue is that of someone going nowhere. But where was I going? What was my goal? Maybe it was all just an illusion. I can't say I've been deceived, because I was party to the deception. Only now do I realize that the things I've learned, although mostly worthless, but which gave my life meaning - I've reached the point - where they are no longer of use to me. Now this man I see in the mirror wants to begin a new life, without rejecting the past. This man has nothing. Neither youth nor physical charm, nor does he feel that he's found truth, but simply believes that life itself is it's own reward.
- Elisa: Everyday I realize we're further apart. It's strange. You live with someone for years, then realize you don't know them.
- Luis: One of the first symptoms of senility is memory loss. You forget things that just happened. But for some strange reason, you remember the distant past. It's happening to me.
- Antonio: Who do you think you are? Selfish, possessive, destructive. When have you ever encouraged me? You've made enemies of my friends, good friends. You've estranged all my friends. I was a happy person, full of life. You've turned me into a sad, tormented man.
- Elisa: You're a person incapable of giving, incapable of love. You keep things inside. You're selfish, calculating, always trying to benefit from everything. You've never seen my sensitivity, my insecurity, my need for reassurance, my loneliness. Nothing. My anxiety. Nothing. You don't know me.
- Luis: She likes to lie awake in the darkness - to let her imagination wander freely, waiting for memories to emerge. Memories. What memories?
- Elisa: I threw myself on the bed, and just lied there, silently. My world fell apart. In one brief moment I saw the failure of a relationship that had never worked. I felt lost.