Michael Cavanaugh credited as playing...
- Blakelock: Blow 'em away, for Chrissake!
- Feyderspiel: Sir, with all due respect, this is a very public highway. We don't want blood and tennis rackets all over the asphalt.
- Blakelock: Screw it! A few casualties.
- Feyderspiel: Sir,
- [takes off his glasses]
- Feyderspiel: if there are any casualties other than Shockley and the girl, someone's going to be answerable. You.
- Blakelock: [wags finger] *I* make the decisions. Now what is it? Is there any other options?
- Feyderspiel: I suggest we let Shockley drive right into the city. We have his route. We then employ a two-phased plan. In Phase One, we use his friend Josephson to lay a trap. In Phase Two, we clear the streets along his route, deploy our men, and create an impassible barrier - a gauntlet, if you will.
- [scoffs]
- Feyderspiel: He won't have a chance.