"Record City?" you say, "eh, never heard of it." Before there was EMPIRE RECORDS, there was RECORD CITY. After CAR WASH, there was.... well, RECORD CITY. Now, some of you film geeks out there might notice that this is auteur Dennis Steinmetz's only feature film. Yet the financiers didn't give the poor guy enough dough, because this opus was shot on tape, then transferred to film. Dennis deserved better! There are a few liabilities here... including the video photography -- which is reminiscent of having visine in your eyes. But, there are some virtues to be found: including some delightful performances by Alice Ghostley and Ed Begley, Jr and a script that combines the episodic flavor of CAR WASH -- only set in a record store. Considering that this film cost $6.95, it's good stuff. However, and this is not an insult, RECORD CITY plays beautifully after you've had 17 or 18 beers. Now, how many films can you say that about? If by chance this film is aired on television, I highly recommend taping it on the highest quality videotape you have available. Or, if you're a real cool kitty cat, record it on your dvd-recordable player. You owe it to yourself to have this film in your film collection -- to have and to hold -- forever and ever. RECORD CITY, all the way.