Gino Turini credited as playing...
- Drago: Even Mussolini was considered by the Church to be a man sent by Providence. Do you remember?
- Don Lorenzo: [angrily] What has the Church to do with God?
- Drago: It's really not such a bad thing to leave this crazy world, full of evil and malice - you'll see. We're going to a wonderful new world where everything will be peaceful, where no child will ever need to cry. Where the light of goodness never fails to shine, shining as it does with so much charity on men of goodwill... You, my darling child, will fly high in the sky, as on a winged horse. Yes, that's right... you will be an angel... among angels... pray for us, who are forced to go on... struggling, struggling here Oh my god, if you didn't accept my prayers, please accept his... and so it shall come to pass, that each man will embrace his neighbour, and call him brother, and peace will finally reign on earth.