Will Sampson credited as playing...
Crazy Horse • Worm
- Wild Bill Hickok: In the first place, the Great Spirit did not give you these hills. You took this land by force. You took it from the Cheyenne, the Shoshoni, and the Arapaho. You took it with the lance and tomahawk. Now the white man makes war on you. What's the difference?
- Crazy Horse: The whites have no honor. White man wants death, comes out of season.
- Wild Bill Hickok: That's a thing called progress.
- Crazy Horse: A thing called greed.
- [last lines]
- Wild Bill Hickok: Everything done?
- Crazy Horse: It is done. I cover the little one with the robe. She will be healed and well and whole in the other world.
- Wild Bill Hickok: Do you have the right to wear your own name again?
- [Crazy Horse nods]
- Wild Bill Hickok: And then I'll be saying good-bye, Crazy Horse.
- Crazy Horse: Hickok.
- Wild Bill Hickok: You heard One Eye call my name.
- Crazy Horse: Yes. You are Uhgata, the Shooter, the one who killed Whistler the Peacemaker.
- Wild Bill Hickok: That was another time. I was young and headstrong.
- Crazy Horse: It was a bad thing.
- Wild Bill Hickok: Can't be undone.
- Crazy Horse: I will tell no others. But, Long Hair, though you and I are brothers, we must never meet again. Hear me, my friend. These are my words. We must never cross paths in the tomorrow. For if we do, I will see only a white enemy. And you will see only an Indian. And we will both solve the great mystery. Ohinyan, Long Hair.
- Wild Bill Hickok: Ohinyan. Forever.
- Crazy Horse: Where does her body lie?
- Old Worm: At Enchanted Mesa, above the lake. We placed her far from the whites and safe from wolves. It is time you sought out the holy bull. The little one will be forever tortured in the other world until you wrap her in its white robe and cleanse her spirit of its pain.