Robert Foxworth credited as playing...
Paul Buher
- Paul Buher: Do you know what exactly I do for Thorn Industries?
- Damien Thorn: Not really, Sir.
- Paul Buher: You should. You should know everything about the Thorn business. After all it will be yours one day.
- Damien Thorn: And Mark's!
- Paul Buher: And Mark's. Of course.
- Pasarian: And when I phoned him the next day to try again to persuade him to sell, they told me that he was dead. Murdered! Strangled in his own home!
- Paul Buher: Do the local authorities over there know who did it? Who's responsible?
- Pasarian: No idea.
- Paul Buher: And you really think that just because he refused to sell his land to us, that he was killed by one of our own people?
- Pasarian: I'm almost certain of it.
- Paul Buher: That's impossible!
- Pasarian: Look, I was over there in that country in eight provinces surveying farmland that you want to buy. Five landowners in five of those provinces agreed to sell for the right price. Three landowners didn't. And in those three provinces, three killings!
- Paul Buher: Mr. Thorn will have to be informed about this. We can't have any rouges running around in this company.
- Pasarian: Yes! We should tell him right away.
- Paul Buher: [thinking fast] Uh... no. I will tell him. There's something I need you to do.
- Pasarian: What is it?
- Paul Buher: The P-84 module has been acting up again. The report about it is on your desk. I need you to take care of it tomorrow morning. I don't want to shut it down. After that, then we can inform Mr. Thorn about these incidents.