Isabelle Adjani credited as playing...
The Player
- The Detective: Nice place. Terrific view. Wow.
- The Player: You didn't come up here to tell me that.
- The Detective: You saw the man in the car. And you saw the man against the brick wall. And you know it's the same man. Yet you didn't identify him. Are you afraid of him?
- The Player: No.
- The Detective: Are you afraid of me?
- The Player: No. I just don't like you.
- The Detective: [reacting sarcastically to her sullen response as she opened the door] I guess that means I can come in.
- [enters, looks around]
- The Detective: Nice place.
- [walks toward picture window]
- The Detective: Terrific view. Hah.
- The Player: You didn't come here to tell me that.
- The Detective: [getting to the point] You saw the man who was driving the car, and you saw the man up against the brick wall, and you know it is the same man, yet you didn't identify him. Are you afraid of him?
- The Player: No.
- The Detective: Are you afraid of me?
- The Player: [slowly turns around] No.
- [looks at him disdainfully]
- The Player: I just don't like you.
- The Detective: Hmm. You had a reason?
- [the Driver, hiding in next room, overhears]
- The Detective: [deeply pensive, mocking] Must be because I'm such a good cop. How old are you?
- [she doesn't respond]
- The Detective: Twenty-two. I did a little checking.
- The Player: [inwardly wincing] What else did you check?
- The Detective: Well, a young girl like yourself, you sure have been around the tracks a few times, honey. Gmph! Led a real active life.
- The Player: [had been keeping herself in check for a long time] Get out!
- The Detective: No. We're gonna do a little business, you and I.
- [retrieves a photograph of The Driver from inside jacket pocket, tapping it menacingly as he waves it at her]
- The Detective: Look at it!
- [she turns her head slowly]
- The Detective: You sure that is not him?
- The Player: It's not him.
- The Detective: Really? Maybe you ought to be afraid of me.
- [stuffs photo back in pocket, then leans forward confidentially, grinning]
- The Detective: I ran a make on you. You're clean, no problem.
- [circles her]
- The Detective: Course there was that one little scrape. You remember? That kinda nasty one?
- [very coldly]
- The Detective: The one that got swept under the rug?
- [letting that sink in]
- The Detective: Now, when your memory improves, honey, give me a call.
- [walks out, as she gives a cold sardonic smile to herself]
- The Detective: How old are you? Twenty-two. I did a little checking.
- The Player: What else did you check?
- The Detective: Well, a girl as young as yourself, you sure have been around the track a few times, honey. Led a real active life.
- The Player: Get out!
- The Detective: No. We're going to do a little business, you and I.
- [shows her a photo of The Driver]
- The Detective: Look at it! Are you sure it's not him?
- The Player: It's not him.
- The Detective: Oh, really? Maybe you should be afraid of me. I ran a make on you.
- [smiles]
- The Detective: You're clean. No problem. Of course, there *was* that one little scrape. Remember? The kinda nasty one? The one that got swept under the rug? Now when your memory improves, honey, give me a call.
- [leaves]