Richard Bradford credited as playing...
Sheriff Kyle
- Sheriff Andrew Kyle: Julia, are you drunk?
- Julia Tate: Sheriff Kyle, you know I don't drink.
- Henry Moon: 'Course she don't drink!
- Julia Tate: I'll take him.
- Sheriff Andrew Kyle: Julia, what are you sayin'? He's an outlaw.
- Julia Tate: I assumed that's why you're hanging him.
- Sheriff Andrew Kyle: We got this ordinance here, it was passed after the Civil War, on account that a lot of our boys didn't come home - and the women was beginnin' to chew up the grass.
- Henry Moon: I feel sorry for the grass.
- Sheriff Andrew Kyle: I feel sorry for the women. Anyhow, this ordinance states that any man, short of a murderer, can be saved from the gallows by any property-holdin' female, providin' she decides to marry 'im. And they done that in Roman times too, as I recollect.
- Henry Moon: Sweet Jesus H. Christ Almighty!
- Sheriff Andrew Kyle: Now, Mr Moon: No drinkin', no gamblin', no wife-beatin', no alley-cattin', what not nor what have you. You've got to mind her. If you try runnin', there'll be $500 on your head.
- Sheriff Andrew Kyle: What the hell d'you pick him up for, Towfield?
- Deputy Towfield: He was dressed up like a Mexican.
- Sheriff Andrew Kyle: You can't arrest a man for that.
- Deputy Hector: I told him!
- Henry Moon: Burn the breeze, Kyle, or I'm gonna blow everybody in sight into feathers.
- Sheriff Andrew Kyle: We don't desert our women out here, Mr Moon.
- Julia Tate: It's all right, Sheriff. You go on ahead. He's just trying to impress me.