This is the kind of movie that really tends to tick people off because it is greatly misrepresented by its English title. As other reviewers have said, this is NOT a "Black Emanuelle" film but one of a small number of Italian sex comedies "Black Emanuelle"-star Laura Gemser appeared in around that time (probably the most interesting being Jose Larraz's "Malizia Erotica"). Comedy was not really Gemser's forte, but then Italian sex comedies were really nobody's forte. A few actresses like Edwige Fenech had some small degree of comic timing, but for the vast majority, comic timing mostly involved how long it took them to strip down to the skin and how frequently they did it. These movies today are either in Italian only and really stupid, or dubbed into English and really, REALLY stupid. This one falls into the latter category (but tack on a couple more "reallys").
Gemser plays a female doctor from the city who moves into the country with her husband and drives all the country bumpkin stereotypes crazy. This is a pretty sorry portrayal of rural Southern Italy. (If people had seen something like this at the turn of the century, they would have had flotillas and gunboats stationed around Ellis Island to turn back southern Italian immigrants before they implanted their inbred yokel seeds here in America). This movie not only unfunny, it's painfully unfunny. The only good thing about it is Gemser. Naturally, it lacks the depravity of the films she made with Joe D'Amato ("Black Emanuelle" and otherwise), but it has the usual nude scenes, and a long (some would say interminable) softcore sex scene near the end that differs somewhat from the "Black Emanuelle" series where the sex scenes are more truncated. If THAT'S a reason to watch this dreck, have at it, but keep in mind you are going to suffer mightily through a lot of lame, badly-dubbed provincial "comedy" to get there. But then that's why they invented fast-forward buttons.