The movie opens by giving away the ending - Bruce Lee is dead! Not too much of a spoiler actually. Our hero, Bruce Li, appears and does his Wing Chun dummy routine then talks to his master. He must go to America. Hello Seattle! Bruce is already the big man on campus. He works at the gas station. We are deviating from history again. Two black karate experts attack for the movie's first fight
Looking at Bruce Li's execution, focus, and speed, I would say the fights are good. The stunt men vary from okay to pathetic. The stunt man who hit himself in the head with the nunchucks was in Bruce Lee's movie. This movie is certainly only for fans of the genre. That is it's only entertainment value for back then and even for now. In consideration of that and the year it was made it rates as simply average.
I have been watching martial arts movies of the golden age from 1967 to 1984 in chronological order and writing my reviews. It is interesting to watch the progression of these movies in that way. Curiously, when I reached 1976, there were three movies in a row starting with "Bruce Lee" in the title. The man had an impact in many ways.