In the end cast list, the actors' names are listed on the left side followed by the character he or she played on the right side. The one exception is that actor Reverend Harry Amey's name is listed on the right side, with the character he played, "Minister", listed on the left side.
When Santa is in the process of leaving the bank after the robbery and pushes the woman at the doorway to the ground, the woman's right leg can be seen rising in the air immediately after she hits the ground. In the surveillance footage of the incident, neither of her legs rises in the air immediately after she hits the ground.
When Miles gives Elaine the safety deposit key during dinner, it is seen that he hands her only one key. However, it was made clear earlier that the owner of the box is given two keys when the box is established.
The bank robber flees and steals a car from someone who is tying a Christmas tree to the roof of it. The bank robber drives away, throwing the car owner onto the wet pavement. But, before that, the seat of his pants are already wet, indicating the stunt was done more than once.
Some DVD, Home Video, and cable or streaming services artwork and graphics for the film mistakenly spell Susannah York's name as Suzanne York.
The Holocanthus Tricolor is a saltwater angelfish commonly known as a Rock Beauty. The fish shown in the aquarium is a freshwater angelfish, and Miles tells Julie in the bar that the fish in the bag is an angelfish. He said earlier that he had a Holocanthus Tricolor on order.
(at around 1h 15 mins) The locksmith appears to open his tool bag, pull out a corded drill, and begin using it without ever having plugged it in. He also drills the wrong box. Miles initially put the money in a box on the opposite side of the vault.
The term "safety deposit box " is used, rather than the correct "safe deposit box".