Moses Guthrie : I'm a Pisces, man. We need a little stroke from time to time.
Lucian Tucker : You may be jivin' these chumps, but you ain't jivin' me.
Moses Guthrie : I ain't jivin' nobody.
Lucian Tucker : Hey, the name's Tucker, not sucker.
Coach 'Jock' Delaney : I want you to take a few more shots out there.
Moses Guthrie : Hey, maybe I ought to sit, coach. I'm cold.
Coach 'Jock' Delaney : I don't care. Shoot! They're leaving you open.
Lucian Tucker : So he's open. They don't want to waste a man playing one on none.
Harvey Tilson : Well, listen, how about gettin' right out there and winning one for the fish tonight?
Moses Guthrie : Let's do that, guys. Let's win.
Harvey Tilson : Cool. Out of sight. I'm hip. Whatever.
Moses Guthrie : I had to learn to squeeze through that hole, as you call it, for my future. It was serious business, not play. I had to learn to walk and lean on air. I had to learn to listen to the rhythm inside my body. I had to learn to push myself to see how far I could go. I had my dreams.
Moses Guthrie : Hey, now wait a minute, little sister...
Toby Millman : I am *not* your little sister, okay?
Moses Guthrie : Our magic's made of sweat and strain and pride. That's what I'm taking back out on the goddamn court. If you cats are real men, and I know you are, you're gonna come back out there with me - and you're gonna have fire in your hearts and you're gonna have blood in your eyes. And then we're gonna do what we came here to do!
Moses Guthrie : You're talking about taking shitty bounce after shitty bounce just to get to the bridge. No man alive should stop you from crossing over.