Sylvia Sidney credited as playing...
Alma Lewellyn
- Dina Moran: Alma, there's nothing I can do.
- Alma Lewellyn: I promised him a mention.
- Dina Moran: I'll try to make it up to you next time. All right?
- Alma Lewellyn: You have no relationship with the past so you've no idea whom you're dismissing so casually.
- Alma Lewellyn: There were three greats in this town: Parsons, Hopper, and Alma Lewellyn. We made the rules. We set the standards. We meted out the punishment. We had the power to make and break careers. Stars, producers, even studio heads were frightened of us, of what we did, and didn't write. You're very smug with your new found power! Well, believe me, it's only on loan. When you've served your purpose, when they're through with you, you'll be standing right where I am.
- Alma Lewellyn: I can't tell you how happy I am to be done with that boring column. Hollywood isn't what it used to be. Somehow the stars don't seem to shine as brightly.