Porridge (1979) Poster


Richard Beckinsale: Lennie



  • Godber : Hey, why don't we nick a chicken?

    Fletcher : Don't be silly, it's Wednesday afternoon. Where we going to get sage and onion stuffing, eh?

  • [discussing a new arrival] 

    Godber : He's been sitting in his cell since chow, just staring at the wall.

    Fletcher : Ah well, he's just had his first experience of your cottage pie. Best not to move about too much after that.

  • [In the prison kitchen, Godber is testing the soup] 

    Godber : It lacks something, Lotterby. With this soup Elizabeth Davies recommends coriander, bay leaves and a dash of pepper.

    [Lotterby takes a huge pot of pepper and empties it into the pan] 

    Godber : I said a dash, Lotterby.

  • [it's after lights out and lock up. There is the distant sound of a fellow inmate groaning mid-nightmare] 

    Godber : You awake, Fletch?

    Fletcher : No.

    Godber : It's that bloke, Atkinson.

    Fletcher : I know.

    Godber : Keeps getting these terrible nightmares.

    Fletcher : Yeah.

    Godber : He's told the shrink about 'em, but all he's given 'im is aspirin. You have to feel compassion, don't you? A human soul in such torment.

    Fletcher : Hmm.

    [Atkinson bellows something in the distance] 

    Fletcher : [shouts]  Belt up, Atkinson, you noisy scrote.

  • [Fletcher and Godber have found their way back to the coach they were kidnapped in. It's surrounded by police] 

    Godber : What is it?

    Fletcher : Cops.

    Godber : Copse? What, you mean like a wooded glade?

    Fletcher : Yeah. A wooded glade crawlin' with bleedin' cops.

  • Godber : I've had it with you.

    Fletcher : You what?

    Godber : You've really got up my goat these past two weeks.

    Fletcher : Wrong Godber. I *get* your goat. I don't get up your goat. I get up your nose or on your wick.

    Godber : Well just lately you've done all three.

  • Mackay : What's on the menu today Godber?

    Godber : Creme Dubarry, followed by curry sir.

    Mackay : Curried what?

    Godber : Meat sir.

    Mackay : What meat?

    Godber : I dunno. It just says 'tinned meat'. On the tin like.

  • [At lunch, Godber and Lotterby are serving cottage pie and baked beans] 

    Fletcher : Hello, Len.

    Godber : All right, Fletch?

    Fletcher : Listen, it's the laddo's first day in 'ere. Do 'im a favour, will you? Give 'im a small portion.

  • Fletcher : 'Ere, you owe me some darning wool.

    Godber : I already gave you some.

    Fletcher : That was in exchange for the orange.

    Godber : Tangerine. Anyway, that was to pay me for the stamp.

    Fletcher : What stamp?

    Godber : For your pools.

    Fletcher : I paid you for the stamp with a squirt of me toothpaste.

    Godber : No, that was for the darning wool.

  • Fletcher : What's the matter with you?

    Godber : We're still banged up in this cell aren't we, while Oakes is Hardy Kruger.

    Fletcher : Hardy Kruger?

    Godber : "The One that got away". A film starring Hardy Kruger.

    Fletcher : Don't worry. Before too long he'll be Googie Withers again.

    Godber : Googie Withers?

    Fletcher : "Within these walls".

  • Fletcher : We got plenty of strength at the back, one thing we're not short of is stoppers. What we need now is a bit of creative mid-field flair.

    Godber : From what I saw of him Rudge could provide that. Revelation he was.

    Fletcher : Yeah. Reckons he had a trial for Brentford before he had a trial for shoplifting.

  • Fletcher : [rings Mr Beal's stolen bicycle bell] 

    Godber : So that's what you've got is it?

    Fletcher : Yeah, hardly ever been used.

    Godber : What are you gonna use it for?

    Fletcher : I dunno.

    Godber : Well why'd you nick it?

    Fletcher : He'd got one and I 'adn't.

  • Godber : I can't understand why Mackay hasn't come down on us like a pile of bricks.

    Fletcher : 'Cause he lost something in the kitchen today, that's why.

    Godber : What? Pride, you mean?

    Fletcher : Nah, something else. Shift.

    Godber : Why?

    Fletcher : It's hidden in your mattress.

    Godber : Oh, I see, so if we get a search I'm the one who gets the blame.

    Fletcher : Oh, yes, oh, yes, oh, yes.

    Godber : You think of everything, you do.

    Fletcher : I try.

  • Mackay : [During the football game Godber jumps up to head the ball, instead he misses, falls backwards and bangs his head on the goalpost causing him to fall over] 

    [MacKay holds up one finger] 

    Mackay : How many fingers am I holding up?

    Godber : You can't fool me sir, five.

  • [Bunny has finally found someone to read his wife's letter] 

    Godber : ...oh well, that's all I have time for. There's the ironing to be done before Starsky and Hutch. Needless to say, I love you and miss your loving... arms, I think it says.

    Bunny Warren : Yeah, would be arms yeah.

    Godber : Then it's lots of hugs and kisses. Nice letter.

    Bunny Warren : So there's nothing in here about a welder or a canary?

    Godber : No. I would have noticed.

  • [breaking back into prison] 

    Godber : This is just like the wooden horse.

    Fletcher : What wooden 'orse?

    Godber : The Greeks and the Trojans. That's how the Greeks got into Troy.

    Fletcher : Would you mind savin' the 'istory lesson til we get back into our flowery dell?

  • Fletcher : A captain, Godber, has to possess certain attributes which set him apart from the rest of his team, that is why I've chosen Light Fingered Larry.

    Godber : Urquart? What attributes has he got?

    Fletcher : 'Alf an ounce of snout which he's now given to me, all right?

  • Banyard : What sort of pie is this?

    Godber : Fruit pie.

    Banyard : Yes, I realised that. I merely wondered what sort of fruit.

    Godber : I dunno, it just comes out of a tin marked "Fruit Pie Filling".

    Banyard : So, we have no clue to its origins?

    Lotterby : [after sticking his finger in Banyard's dessert bowl and tasting the fruit]  No, it's not oranges. It's more like, er... plum or damson.

  • Godber : Darn your own naffing socks.

  • Godber : [discussing Rudge the new arrival]  He's only a kid.

    Fletcher : Oh listen to 'er.

    Godber : No, I just remember the first night I come in here. How I felt when that door banged shut. Hey, you should go and have a word with him.

    Fletcher : Why?

    Godber : You're good at that sort of thing. You perked me up when I first arrived.

    Fletcher : Listen, I broke you in Godber because you was forced upon *my* cell and it was in *my* interests not to 'ave a manic depressive in the bottom bunk.

  • Godber : Fletch, leave the bell alone.

See also

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