Barry Morse credited as playing...
Dr. John Caball
- Dr. John Caball: You spoke to us of a new technology, of peace, not war.
- Omus: Don't you understand? Once you accept me as ruler, there will be no acts of aggression, only peace. Under my rule, the people will want for nothing.
- Dr. John Caball: Except, freedom! Well, the Moon Colony will never accept a dictator. That's one thing we've learned at least from the history of the planet Earth.
- Omus: You insult me, Doctor.
- Omus: You are the one who inspired me, taught me to place science above all else.
- Dr. John Caball: But not above humanity! If I didn't teach you that, then I failed you miserably. Omus, give up; give up this insane plan of yours.
- Omus: But I am Omus! Emperor of Delta Three! I don't want to hear any more. I don't think I even know you; you're some sentimental old fool who doesn't understand anything. I, I am the world of the future, you're back in some dark past. People are no longer necessary. Even I someday may no longer be necessary. And you, poor Dr. Caball are certainly no longer necessary.
- Dr. John Caball: Omus, you're a sick man. Let me help you.
- Omus: No, Doctor. Let me help you. Let me give you your last lesson on the power of science.