Amitabh Bachchan credited as playing...
Amit Kapoor
- Vikram Kapoor: Are you collecting donations for mother Durga or your own mother.
- Amit Kapoor: It's the same thing, sir. Mother Durga is also my mother.
- Amit Kapoor: What is this?
- Raghu dada: Slipper.
- Amit Kapoor: Which type?
- Raghu dada: Kolhapuri.
- Amit Kapoor: Number?
- Raghu dada: I don't know.
- Amit Kapoor: It's a nine!
- Raghu dada: My number is ten, boys.
- Amit Kapoor: You can't see very well. You can't hear very well. All of your teeth are fake and yet you come to the brothel to listen to songs? Get out!
- Amit Kapoor: It appears that I drink alcohol, but from inside it drinks me. Mother, that day when your son had drunk alcohol, you had slapped him. That one slap changed his entire life. I wish I too had a mother who would have slapped me and changed my life as well.
- Amit Kapoor: Strange. Everyone is after my legs. If I listen to Kishen then mum will break my leg. If I listen to mum then Kishen will break my leg. If I don't do their job then both will break my leg. This leg has put me in a strange predicament.