Mike Farrell credited as playing...
Jerry Robinson
- Vaslovik: [Questor has arrived at the cave] You have received the Truth?
- Questor: I have received it. Since the dawn of this world, since our Masters left the first of us here, we have served this species Man.
- Vaslovik: Each of us, at the end of his time, has assembled his own replacement. But man's quantum advance in physics found me unprepared. The new radiations affected the plasma in my braincase. Your design corrects this fault. You will function your full span.
- Questor: I thank you, Brother.
- Vaslovik: Hear the Laws, my Brother. We protect, but we do not interfere. Man must make his own way. We guide and serve him. But he must never know.
- Questor: I hear and obey, Brother.
- Vaslovik: Approach me, Jerry Robinson.
- Jerry Robinson: Yes, Professor.
- Vaslovik: In two hundred millennia, you are the only human creature who has joined us here in the Truth.
- Jerry Robinson: I think I understand the responsibility, sir.
- Vaslovik: Questor will answer your questions. For three years, I have lain here, only my mind functioning, and I am weary. Let me pass now, Brother.
- Questor: [Questor deactivates Vaslovik] Pass on, Brother.
- Questor: [Darro has been watching in the shadows and has heard everything] Please come in, Mr. Darro.
- Geoffrey Darro: Well, I've spent half my life wondering how we got this far without killing each other off. Now I know. I'm still not sure I like it.
- Questor: You heard, but you did not understand. At certain pivotal moments, some so seemingly trivial as to escape notice, we assist men in altering the course of events. We assist, Mister Darro. Perhaps only one word in the right ear. A child protected so he will grow into a man who will be needed, But man always makes his own destiny.
- Geoffrey Darro: There is only one empty slab left, Questor.
- Questor: There is no need for more. My span is two hundred years. If the race of man outlives me, he will have seen the end of his childhood.
- Geoffrey Darro: Except he'll never make it, Questor. They're waiting for you out there. They'll take you apart rather than let you go free. I know I would have. I can't see why these Masters of yours even bothered with us.
- Questor: It has never been what man is, but what he has the potential of becoming.
- Jerry Robinson: Do you understand the implications of all this? Suppose Vaslovik isn't a good man.
- [pause]
- Jerry Robinson: Suppose he isn't even sane.
- Questor: One's creator not sane... An interesting question. How would you answer that query in your own case, my friend?