Jim Brown credited as playing...
- Slaughter: [Slaughter's girl is wound up about him getting hurt] Now, you gettin' all wired up ain't gonna help nothing... So why don't you go back on outside, and give the customers another look at your pretty face?
- Marcia: You know, that's what gets me about you, Slaughter... You're so goddammed cool!
- [She storms out]
- Slaughter: [to his girl] I'm Slaughter, baby... The baddest cat that ever walked the earth... And besides, I'm gonna do it to them before they do it to me... You can bet your money on that.
- Mario Burtoli: [Slaughter has Mario by the throat] Hey, who the hell are you man?
- Slaughter: I'm the guy asking the questions.
- Slaughter: [Slaughter catches Kirk trying to escape] All right, Sucka, you wanna get killed?... Woman Killer!... I'm gonna kill ya.
- Slaughter: [to Harvey] There better be a Harry Akers, and I better find him... If I don't I'll be back.