Liv Ullmann credited as playing...
Queen Christina
- Cardinal Azzolino: She made you hate women?
- Queen Kristina: Hate women? Surely you know the worst thing I'm accused of - isn't hating women.
- Oxenstierna: Kristina, what do you want?
- Queen Kristina: I want to be loved.
- Oxenstierna: The people love you.
- Queen Kristina: Send them to my bedroom.
- Queen Kristina: Examined?
- Father Dominic: A ritual cleansing.
- Queen Kristina: I could better use a bath.
- Cardinal Azzolino: It took you a year to make the journey from Stockholm to Rome.
- Queen Kristina: The roads were muddy.
- Cardinal Azzolino: Why did you give up the crown?
- Queen Kristina: It was too heavy!
- Cardinal Azzolino: Why did you never marry?
- Queen Kristina: I'm allergic to gold rings.
- Cardinal Azzolino: Why did you become a Catholic?
- Queen Kristina: To come to a better climate.
- Cardinal Azzolino: What's the matter? Can't you sleep?
- Queen Kristina: Sleep is the refuge of idiots.
- Cardinal Azzolino: Why do you sleep in 20 beds?
- Queen Kristina: It's more restful.
- Cardinal Azzolino: Are you afraid of the dark?
- Queen Kristina: That was long ago.
- Cardinal Azzolino: Why did you become a Catholic?
- Queen Kristina: To cure me of insomnia.
- Cardinal Azzolino: Why do you keep a dwarf? For luck?
- Queen Kristina: No.
- Cardinal Azzolino: Why then?
- Queen Kristina: To remind me of my inner self.
- Queen Kristina: Have you ever found a woman of such grace that she was in every form, every gesture, exactly what a woman should be?
- Queen Kristina: Love. I was describing love. I loved that woman more than I ever loved a man. Did you never find a man you could love as I loved Ebba?
- Cardinal Azzolino: My sins are mine, Kristina. We're discussing yours.
- Cardinal Azzolino: I lost my father, too, when I was very young.
- Queen Kristina: Strange. I never thought of Cardinals having fathers.
- Cardinal Azzolino: We do. And brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts.
- Queen Kristina: But, no sons.
- Cardinal Azzolino: No sons.
- Queen Kristina: What a shame. And holiness could be inherited.
- Queen Kristina: Tell me all about the court of France.
- Magnus de la Gardie: It's said that Louis has three mistresses.
- Queen Kristina: Tell me what they wear.
- Magnus de la Gardie: Well, the women have a new style.
- Queen Kristina: What new style?
- Magnus de la Gardie: They wear tight laces - that pull their waists in. Very small. Down here. And push the rest, way out in front, up here. Like this.
- Ebba Sparre: Kristina, I can't.
- Queen Kristina: I want to know what it's like.
- Ebba Sparre: Find out for yourself.
- Queen Kristina: Then it will be too late. I'll be quiet. I'll hide in a corner in the dark. Magnus will never know. Please? Please.
- Oxenstierna: For the sake of the country, Kristina, you must begin to think about an heir.
- Queen Kristina: Make sons! Make daughters! Make sons! Make daughters!
- Oxenstierna: Make joy. Make joy for all the people - if you take husband.
- Queen Kristina: Would I? And what joy would I bring to myself?