Kate Jackson credited as playing...
Mary Frances Radney
- James Radney: What are you waving to people you don't even know for?
- Mary Frances Radney: It's like a parade, sweetheart, you're supposed to wave whether you know the people or not.
- James Radney: Not me.
- Mary Frances Radney: Well Jimmy, they say you don't really appreciate something unless you pay for it.
- James Radney: No no, I, I, I appreciate this free cruise, I do indeed.
- James Radney: I wonder why it is that I like to watch you put your clothes on, more than I like to watch you take your clothes off.
- Mary Frances Radney: It's because you're perverse.
- James Radney: Don't look so sad. We hardly knew Jerry Carter.
- Mary Frances Radney: Well it's not just Jerry Carter. It's how awful it must be to be down there in the water and call for help, and to just watch the ship get smaller and smaller.
- Dr. Burke: Mrs. Radney, you feel like talking?
- Mary Frances Radney: That depends what you want to talk about.
- Dr. Burke: The people at table 24.
- Mary Frances Radney: What about them?
- Dr. Burke: That's what I hoped you'd tell me.
- Mary Frances Radney: Basically they were selfish, and that they were totally insensitive.
- Dr. Burke: Including your husband?
- Mary Frances Radney: My husband's dead. You leave him alone.