Sam Waterston credited as playing...
Nick Carraway
- Jay Gatsby: Summer's almost over. It's sad, isn't it? Makes you want to - I don't know - reach out and hold it back.
- Nick Carraway: There'll be other summers.
- Jay Gatsby: [Turning to Nick] How 'bout a swim?
- Nick Carraway: Maybe later.
- Jay Gatsby: Hrmm.
- Nick Carraway: I'll give you a call - around noon?
- Jay Gatsby: Fine, old sport. I'll be at the pool.
- [Jay watches Nick walk away for a moment before calling out to him]
- Jay Gatsby: Nick? Thank you.
- Nick Carraway: [Nick nods and then continues on his way. But then he suddenly turns back] They're a rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together.
- [the two smile at one another and then Nick walks away, waving a hand back over his shoulder]
- Nick Carraway: I thought of Gatsby's wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy's dock. He had come a long way to this lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it... He did not know that it was already behind him.
- Daisy Buchanan: Nick? Is it really you?
- Nick Carraway: It is.
- Daisy Buchanan: My old love! I'm paralyzed with happiness!