Todd Barbee credited as playing...
Charlie Brown • Schroeder
- Sally Brown: It's Easter, and they already have the Christmas decorations up.
- Charlie Brown: Good grief.
- Linus van Pelt: I can't believe it.
- Lucy van Pelt: I told you. It's the *gift* getting season.
- Charlie Brown: [seeing Sally and Snoopy laugh as they try on hats] Okay, you two, let's get on with it. It's shoes you need, not hats.
- Charlie Brown: I know why they have holidays. They have holidays so people can get together and have fun. So why am I alone?
- Lucy van Pelt: [to Charlie Brown and Sally] We're on our way to the store. We got to get ready for Easter. You know, we need Easter baskets, eggs, candy, the works. Want to join us?
- Linus van Pelt: I told you it's a waste of time. The Easter Beagle does all that.
- Lucy van Pelt: Ooh, Linus, you drive me crazy!
- Sally Brown: [baffled] Easter Beagle?
- Linus van Pelt: Sure, Sally, we don't need to go to all this trouble. On Easter Sunday, the Easter Beagle passes colored eggs to all the good little kids.
- Sally Brown: The Easter Beagle? Are you *sure*, Linus?
- Linus van Pelt: Of course.
- Charlie Brown: Come on, Sally, I thought you wanted to get some new shoes.
- Lucy van Pelt: We've got another one of those great holidays coming up where boys have the opportunity to give presents to pretty girls. You know, big bags of candy and eggs and all sorts of things. It's a great time of the year to start getting things.
- Schroeder: It's not a time for getting. It's a time of renewal. The start of spring.
- Lucy van Pelt: Wrong. It's the gift-getting season.
- Schroeder: What's the matter with you? All you think about is "gimme, gimme, gimme; get, get, get"!
- Lucy van Pelt: That's called sur-*vival*, baby!