This film begins at an advertising agency with three employees named "Warren Summerfield" (William Shatner), "Terry Maxon" (Marjoe Gortner) and "Paul McIlvan" (Robert Reed) trying their best to retain the account of a wealthy businessman by the name of "Sam Farragut" (Andy Griffith). The problem is that Sam Farragut is not a nice man to do business with as he is both arrogant and extremely cruel. In fact, he is so arrogant and cruel that, in order to flaunt his power over them, he demands that they accompany him on a 600-mile dirt bike ride through the Baja Desert to an isolated site where he is setting up his next business venture. Needless to say, this long hard ride through the desert is not what any of them really want to do but for the sake of their careers they all reluctantly agree. What they are soon to find out, however, is that there is an even worse side to Sam Farragut than any of them could imagine and that all of them will soon be faced with a decision that might weigh heavily upon their consciences for the rest of their lives. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a decent made-for-television movie which suffered somewhat because of that format. It also had Andy Griffith acting in a role that was totally uncharacteristic of him-at least for that particular time. It also had several different sub-plots which, in some cases, could have used a bit more depth as well. Be that as it may, this turned out to be a solid film for the most part and I have rated it accordingly. Average.