Gene Saks credited as playing...
Harry Edison
- Harry Edison: [slightly incredulous at Mel's and Edna's idea to invest in a summer camp] A hundred thousand dollars for a summer camp? Run by a man "that far away" from a nervous breakdown? It'll take him 'til August to figure out how to blow up the volleyball!
- Edna: I thought you wanted to do something, help him.
- Harry Edison: We *do* want to help him!
- Edna: Then help him!
- Harry Edison: Not when he's sick. When he's better, we'll help him.
- Harry Edison: I'm gonna' tell you something now, Mel. I've never told this to anybody. I don't think you got a brain for business. You can't handle problems. I think you're a child. A baby. A spoiled infant. But as God is my judge, many's a night I lay in bed envying you. Isnt' that something? What I've got, you'll never have, but what you've got, I'd like to have just once.
- Edna: If Mel could get out of New York and move to the country somewhere, he'd be one hundred percent better off.
- Harry Edison: I agree with you one thousand percent!