To me, "Zapis zbrodni" (Crime Chronicle) is one of the best Polish films of the 1970s. The plot is based on an authentic crime committed in 1972 by two teenagers from the little town of Konstantynow near Lodz. The film director Andrzej Trzos-Rastawiecki didn't leave many movies behind, but he produced only works of high quality and with a distinct personal style. There are several reasons why "Zapis zbrodni" can easily fascinate the viewer even today. First of all, the story itself is quite engrossing and keeps you interested from the beginning to the end because it involves not only the initial killing of the taxi driver but also the strange odyssey of two juvenile delinquents through the surrounding area, which results in their second crime. The film also contains a highly realistic and grim view of the Polish small town, which is fascinating even today. Some light is also shed on the motives of the young criminals, which makes this engrossing story even more interesting. Finally, you have a stunning performance of young actors, especially Mieczyslaw Hryniewicz. Add it all together, and you have a film that you are not likely to forget.