JoAnna Cameron credited as playing...
Andrea Thomas • Isis
- Isis: [Circumstance has forced Andrea to become Isis in front of Mason and Barnes; accordingly, after resolving the crisis at hand] ... Guide me, Osiris; Get behind me, Set; and that which my friends have just learned, let them now forget!
- [the incantation works, saving her secret identity]
- Rick Mason (Brian Cutler): ...Who can't be - can't be *who*?
- Dr. Barnes (Albert Reed): I - I don't know. What - what were we talking about just now?
- [Rick shrugs cluelessly]
- Dr. Barnes (Albert Reed): Must not have been very important, then.
- [Both shake their heads, laughing]
- Isis: [One of Andrea's students has a tarnished reputation, from being busted by the cops at a party during a raid, and from spending a week in jail because his parents couldn't afford bail. Now the boy has been accused of a felony he didn't commit. To prove his innocence, Isis casts a spell on the real culprit] In the name of Horus, for the glory of Hathor, let this man now speak the truth - whole, and nothing more!
- [the real felon admits to his crime... and to setting Andrea's student up, since everyone would be ready to believe the boy guilty because of his criminal record]