Burt Reynolds credited as playing...
Lt. Phil Gaines
- Lt. Phil Gaines: Don't you know where you live, Marty? Can't you smell the bananas? You know what country you live in? You live in Guatamala with color television.
- Leo Sellers: You're a very understanding man, Phil. Considering what Nicole does for a living.
- Lt. Phil Gaines: Everybody hustles, Leo.
- Nicole Britton: There is not one civilized place for the food here.
- Lt. Phil Gaines: You're such a snob. I hear the McDonald's is opening up a store on the Champs-Elysee.
- Nicole Britton: Nevair! Paris stands like a fortress against the hamburger.
- Lt. Phil Gaines: That's what they said about Coca-Cola.
- Nicole Britton: Oh yeah?
- Lt. Phil Gaines: Yeah.
- Nicole Britton: Bingo!